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Zoning Minutes 09-04-2007
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
        Meeting Minutes

Date:           September 4, 2007

Present:        Sarto Caron, Chairperson
                Ray Korny, Member
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary

The minutes of August 21, 2007 were read and accepted with changes noted.

7:30 PM Special Permit Request
                Normand and Barbara Bachand
                3 Vinton Lane
                R9-A-22 Book 2757       Page 20

        Mr. and Mrs. Bachand request permission to build a 12’ x 20’ addition onto the front of their home. The addition will also include a new septic system. They explained the project details to the Board. Fred Kozyra, their builder was also present to answer questions.  
        A site visitation was scheduled for Friday, Sept. 7 at 11:00 AM
        A continuance was scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 7:30 PM.

8:00 PM Special Permit Request
                Jeffrey and Catherine Frohn
                17 Leisure Drive
                R34-B-10        Book 13821      Page 87
        The Frohn’s would like permission to remove and re-build the three-lakeside decks around their house. Jeff Lincoln of Jalbert Engineering was also present to answer questions.
        A site visitation was scheduled for Friday, Sept. 7 at 11:30 AM.
        A continuance was scheduled for Sept. 18, at 8:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

CC:     Building Inspector
        Executive Secretary
        Town Clerk
        ZBA Files

Submitted by:

Ronald Seaburg, Secretary